English level 4



  1. Someday I would like to travel abroad.
  2. I don´t mind eating anything.
  3. Last week I practiced playing the piano.
  4. I enjoy dancing.
  5. Tomorrow, I'll continue working.
  6. I hate eating the seafood.
  7. I can't stand loud music.
  8. For a goodhealth, I avoid eating fast food.
  9. After class I need to study for the texts.
  10. Last year I decided to move to another city.
  11. Today I learned how to cook Mexican food.
  12. I hope they don't call me to work today.
  13. I like to watch Korean series.
  14. I recently quit stopped going to the university.
  15. To a tourist in Colombia I suggest to go visit the beaches of Santa Marta.
  16. I love eating pizza.
  17. I finished doing the university homework.
  18. This year I began going to the gym.
  19. Next year I plan to buy a house.
  20. Right now I want to go to the cinema.
  21. I wish to graduate.


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English level 4