English level 4

 people used to

1.  Televisions (1926) 
  • People used to read more books.

2.  Electric lights (1879)
  • People used to use oil lamps and candles.

3.   Alarm clocks (1847)
  • People used to sleep with the windows open to wake up to the sunlight.

4.   Camera (1814)
  • People used to use camera obscura.

5.  Telescopes (1608)
  • People used to use concave mirrors or did it with the naked eye.

6.  Guns (about 1,000 years ago)
  • Before they used to swords, arrows, etc.

7.  Written words (about 5,000 years ago)
  • Before they used to use oral messengers

8.  Farming (about 10,000 years ago)
  • People used to hunt, fish and gather.


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English level 4

English level 4