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English level 4


English level 4

  Correct Correct sentences that are incorrect 1, I feel like dancing. 2. When you visit Brazil, be sure to try feijoada. 3. I hope to study English in the U.S. 5. Nicole enjoys drinking coffee in the morning. 6. He decided to take a taxi to his hotel. 7. Tom hates to drive in the rain. 8. You should avoid eating fatty foods. 10. He dislikes watching violent movies.

English level 4

  Roulette Someday I would like to travel abroad. I don´t mind eating anything. Last week I practiced playing the piano. I enjoy dancing. Tomorrow, I'll continue working. I hate eating the seafood. I can't stand loud music. For a goodhealth, I avoid eating fast food. After class I need to study for the texts. Last year I decided to move to another city. Today I learned how to cook Mexican food. I hope they don't call me to work today. I like to watch Korean series. I recently quit stopped going to the university. To a tourist in Colombia I suggest to go visit the beaches of Santa Marta. I love eating pizza. I finished doing the university homework. This year I began going to the gym. Next year I plan to buy a house. Right now I want to go to the cinema. I wish to graduate.

English level 4

 Paraphrase  Restate the expressions from the Photo Story in your own way. I'm just kidding. I don't think furniture match. you're rigth. I don´t think we're making a good decision.

English level 4

 people used to 1.   T elevisions (1926)   People used to read more books. 2.   Electric lights (1879) People used to use oil lamps and candles. 3.    Alarm clocks (1847) People used to sleep with the windows open to wake up to the sunlight. 4.    Camera (1814) People used to use camera obscura. 5.   Telescopes (1608) People used to use concave mirrors or did it with the naked eye. 6.   Guns (about 1,000 years ago) Before they used to swords, arrows, etc. 7.   Written words (about 5,000 years ago) Before they used to use oral messengers 8.   Farming (about 10,000 years ago) People used to hunt, fish and gather.

English level 4

  Disscus 1. Have you ever been on a diet?   R/: Yes, I've been on a diet. 2.What foods did and dind't you eat? R:/: I ate eggs, salads, fruits, foods low in sugar and salt. I didn't eat fried foods, bread, sweets or juices. 3.How long did you stay on the diet? R/: I was on a diet for two months. 4. Was it successful? R/: I was successful for a while.